Here @ Splendid Industries, we are always trying to improve the depth and functionality of our ever-evolving website. Our latest development has been the reworking of Dream Kitchen artist profiles to look the way we intended from day 1.
Aesthetics always being a sticky subject, we have opted to design individual layouts in consultation w/ each artist in the DK. Time consuming as it may be, we feel that not only does the visual need to suit each artist, but each profile must also contain unique info & opinions provided by our very own curation team. It may also be noted that the full-feature profiles have been created to be viewable on both desktop and mobile devices. Now, let us direct your attn to the very 1st recipient of these untimely efforts who also happens to be among the very 1st entries into The Dream Kitchen -- Other Families!
So, human_friend, plz do have a look-see as we continue to roll out new stuff & strategies to help make your art experience better!
That's now, for all folks!