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Writer's picturePiers Oolvai // Nicholas Cooper

[LISTEN] Feyla - The Veil

A miniature contemporary lied of metaphysical rippling and struggling of being...

Feyla, the solo musical entity of Lex Metcalfe, expenses an eerie tranquil soliloquy set upon ambient art post-rock fabrics, brushing outside of the time-stream... circumventing reality from within. The Veil certainly has these ambiguous states of meaning, as Feyla uses percussion and piano samples from a demo by their main band, Waxlimbs, as soft and metal sheets of perpetual sonically-diverse momentum and warm consonant collections to vocalize bemusing thoughts in a rather contemplative flow. Feyla expresses what it feels to sense decay and radical change around them... accepting it... working to terms with it... and hoping for safe wellness through the storms ahead.

The Veil is available now on Feyla's Bandcamp!


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