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Writer's pictureToys Etc.

Have you seen this? Have you heard about this?!

Yum! Improv noise rock freakout trio of the highest order, Yumster make a mess like nothing you've witnessed before!

It's kinda like: ya know how a lotta bands think their jams were awesome and everything sounded amazing...until they actually listen to playback? Well, this is what that band sounded like in their heads before the reality check.

Bouncy, hyperactive drum-bass interaction with broken guitar splatters cropping up here 'n' there -- this is all-good herky-jerky stuff from human_folks brimming nice intensities and kickass posi-vibes. It takes a lot to get good enough to freewheel with conviction. A mutual understanding between musicians is obvious as they pivot around one another in real-time. It comes as no surprise then that the human_guys from Yumster are musicians of solid standing in Toronto/GTA's experimental music community. Boasting members from Baby Labour and Ned Flangers, Yumster's pedigree is quite apparent. Definitely a band you need to see live...and, oh, what's this now? 😲 Yumster will be gracing Splendid Industries' Inaugural Ball with their presence on August 8th @ Junction City Music Hall! So maybe squish in that last big bong rip before joining us & Yum for a total fuckin' trip, y'all!


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